The Weekly Recap: Readathon Season & Father's Day (Week of 6/12/16)

I link to Stacking the Shelves by Tynga's Reviews, and The Sunday Post by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

---My Life---

Hello everybody! This week is going to be really busy. First, I have a week long summer camp that I’m helping out with. It will last from morning to afternoon, but I’m also helping with set up every day after I finish with the kids. So I’m going to be busy this week, but I’m still hoping to get some reading done because I’m also participating in a readathon this week. I have no idea what I was thinking, but hopefully I’ll be able to listen to some audio books. Hopefully your week isn’t as busy as mine is going to be. Also, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! I hope that you all have a good week!

---Currently Reading---

Tuned Into You

The BookFish Books crew is amazing! They sent me this book for review, and my review will be up this week. :)

---Challenge Update---

Yesterday was the start of #COYER! You can still sign up! Click here to sign up. I'm reading my first book (keep in mind that this is written on Saturday), and I think that I’m doing well. I honestly don’t know, but it’s only been a day so I’m not going to be worried (at all).  

Also, please vote on which books I should read for the Make Me Read It Readathon. I would really appreciate it. You can learn more about the challenge by clicking here.

---Books I Have Acquired---

PaperweightThe End of FUNWither (The Chemical Garden, #1)
Yes, I went to the library again. Did I need to? No. Did I check out books anyway? Yes.

---Cool Posts By Cool People---
~ Annika @Hiding Books talked about who she would want on her squad during the zombie apocalypse in The Blog Squad Tag. Spoiler alert, I’m on her squad (and I’m a cannibal).

    ~     Lefty @Left-Handed Book Lover has some books that she wants to give away! Click here to see if she has any books you want!

---Posts You Might Have Missed---

---Giveaways You Can Enter---

 ·         You could win some books from a list that you provide! It’s a mystery, but I know that you don’t have any of the books that I’m sending you. Click here to learn more and sign up.
---Question of the Week---
Do you have any readathons that you’re participating in this summer? Let me know in the comments.

