Cover of the Week: Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley

Our Own Private UniverseBook: Our Own Private Universe
Author: Robin Talley
Published: January 31, 2017
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Number of Pages: 304


Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Aki Hunter knows she’s bisexual, but up until now she's only dated guys—and her best friend, Lori, is the only person she’s out to. When she and Lori set off on a four-week youth-group mission trip in a small Mexican town, it never crosses Aki's mind that there might be anyone in the group she’d be interested in dating. But that all goes out the window when Aki meets Christa. 

Why I Like this Cover: I don't necessarily like the two girls in the background, but I do really like the colors. I love how they blend together even though the two end colors are nothing alike. Do you like this cover? Let me know in the comments! :) 

