Take Control of Your TBR Pile Chllenge!
This challenge is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. You can go HERE to sign up.
I'm posting this early so that you can sign up if you want to. I know that a pet peeve of mine is when people post about a read-a-thon or challenge, and it happens the next day. So this way you guys have time to join and prepare your books. :)
The whole idea of this challenge is to read books on your TBR pile. That way you have more room on your shelves for new books. :)
Make sure that you go to the sign up page to read the rules!
What I plan on Reading:
I hope to read a lot of books! I am going to try to get through to a combination of ebooks, audio books, library books, and books I own. I highly doubt that I will get to all of these, but I can at least try. Take into account the library books that I don't have right now, and that I might read some of these before the actual start date. After making the list I discovered that I currently own a lot of books that I have not read yet. So, this is really just a starting list without the library books, and I will not get through all of these. If I do, it will have been a miracle. I will probably make another list closer to the start date.
As you can see, I have a BUNCH of books I can read in March. Maybe I will even read some of them before March. Make sure that you guys sign up by clicking here. Let me know if your participating! Happy reading! :)
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