where you make a top ten list for that week's bookish theme.
Theme: Top Ten New-To-Me Favorite Authors I Read For The First Time In 2015
Hello everybody! This weeks theme is about my favorite new to me authors I have read this year. If your like me, let me explain more. Basically this is my list of my favorite authors I read for the first time this year. So without further ado, my top ten five list. Make sure to leave your TTT lists in the comments!
1.) Morgan Matson- I read Since You've Been Gone early this year, and absolutely loved it! I have already heard so many great things about her other books, but I have yet to read one of them. I have Amy & Roger's Epic Detour checked out from the library, so I will get to that one very soon. :)
2.) Danielle Paige- I love the ideas that Danielle Paige comes up with! I am really enjoying the Dorothy Must Die series, and I can't wait to see what other books she comes up with!
3.) Melissa de la Cruz- Melissa de la Cruz has written so many books, but I read my first book by her this summer. I read Blue Bloods, and I really enjoyed it! I can't wait to read more books by Melissa, hopefully that is soon.
4.) Megan Shepherd- I really enjoyed the Madman's Daughter trilogy, but I have not gotten to her new series yet. I can't wait to read it though, and hopefully I will get to it soon.
5.) Heather Demetrios- I loved Something Real, and I can't wait to read more by Heather!
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