The Weekly Recap: 27¢ Pants! (Week of 6/19/16)

I link to The Sunday Post by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

---My Life---

Hello everybody! I got a great deal yesterday. I was getting new jeans because my current ones have holes in them. I got two of the same jeans; the first was $30, and the second pair was 27 cents! The cashier wasn’t able to get them ringed up correctly, so the manager just charged me 27 cents! That really made my day, and I’m hoping that one day I will get another sale that will stand up to that one. Have a good week everybody!

---Currently Reading---

 Remnants (Remnants Trilogy #1)
I got this one from the author and I AM REALLY SCARRED. I don’t get easily scarred by books, but this one is very stressful and scary to me (it’s also really good too).

---Important Posts that you Should Check Out---

Make sure that you vote on which books I read for the Make Me Read It Readathon.

There is also time to enter a giveaway I’m hosting where you could win some books! You can enter by clicking here.

---Books I’m Hoping to Read This Week---

 Remnants (Remnants Trilogy #1)How to Keep Rolling After a FallDevil and the Bluebird

I’m hoping that I get a lot of reading this week, so here are some books that I might and/or will be reading. Of course, this list isn't set in stone. So, I might not even read the last two. I'm just hoping to read.

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---Question of the Week---

What is the best deal that you have ever gotten? Let me know in the comments.

